Thumb Chucks come from Zing, a toy company that sells in Canada. You may be familiar with Zing’s Stikbot line.
With these Thumb Chuck toys you can twirl, flip and twist them around your fingers to perform awesome tricks. They have two high-bounce plastic "chucks" with built in pulse LED lights which the kids thought were awesome. These are connected with a "belt".
You can try and master a wide range of tricks from intermediate to advanced using the free Thumb Chucks app or watch it on the Thumb Chucks Official You Tube channel here The videos include over 30 tutorials on a variety of tricks. The app also includes a recording feature with built-in special effects.
Users can share their videos on social media and even join the Thumb Chucks community using #ThumbChucks.
This is a great activity toy that fits right into your pocket so you can take it with you anywhere you go. Now its time to unplug and control the roll.
You can also un-do one of the balls and switch with another player. Then have one color of each.
I did a video of the kids playing with these but for some reason it won't play on here but you can see it on you tube here
Remember this is my first time doing a video on my camera so don't laugh. I need practice.
This giveaway is for Canada only since I am sending this to the winner myself. So good luck everyone and get those entries in today.
I have not heard of these, this is a first for me!!
No,i never ever heard of or seen these before today !
I have heard of them and thought they sounded interesting.
I have not heard of these before! Sounds like fun!
I have not heard of these toys before your post about them.
I have not heard of these before but they sound interesting
I had not heard of these before!
No I have not heard of them before
Florence cochrane
no ive not seen these
I have not heard of them before.
Never seen this before!
This is he first time I've every heard of thumb chucks before
Well I dont think I've heard of them before but sometimes my kids yabble a lot and they feel like they have to get out as much as possible verbally to me in the shortest amount of sometimes they tell me things but the amount of information they are tossing at me can get lost
I have seen these on facebook the last week but had not seen them before that. I am sure if I asked my grandchildren they would know exactly what they were.
I have never seen these before
Brilliant! Love it! What a idea!
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