I love taking pictures of my grandchildren and of course they line up for me with their big smiles ready. Not only one but three or four of each of them and then they are happy. I have noticed in some of my photos that the picture quality isn't the best. I have shadows or dull looking faces and some have red eyes. So when I found out about Lightscoop I had to check it out. I was sent the Lightscoop Jr. and also the Lightscoop Deluxe. I wasn't sure which one would fit my camera since I don't have
a very fancy one. So I tried the Lightscoop Jr. and it worked. This is taken without the Lightscoop
and this one is taken with the Lightscoop
Can you see the difference?
Lightscoop® is a smart low-tech device that creates soft, flattering light by redirecting your camera's built-in flash to a ceiling or wall.
Don't let your convenient little built-in flash flash ruin your photos with evil red eye, ugly shadows, hot spots, bleached out faces, underexposed colors, and blurry movement that exist only in your photographs, not in the real world.
Redirecting the small light from your camera's built-in flash to the ceiling creates a larger source of light that also comes from a natural direction (rather than from the middle of your forehead). Softer, more diffused light coming from a natural direction will instantly improve your photos. You can watch a short Video that will give you an idea how the Lightscoop works.
Professionals create soft, directional "window light" with strobes and umbrellas or light boxes. You can do the same by aiming your built-in flash and Lightscoop to a light-colored wall. Turn the camera vertically to aim the light toward a wall with the Lightscoop Original or Junior. Angle the Deluxe's mirror to aim toward the wall when shooting verticals OR horizontals.
Plus, using the flash will stop blur from subject or camera movement. This is without on the left and with on the right.
This is the Lightscoop I used for my camera, it seemed to work fine. Its smaller than the deluxe.
I am really going to enjoy taking pictures now and especially with Christmas coming. You always want to have the very best photos. This one is the Deluxe.
One lucky person is going to win their choice of Lightscoop. So good luck to everyone and get those entries in today.
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To Enter:
1) You MUST be a blog follower here via GFC to enter, NOT Google +.
2) Go here Our Team and come back and tell me who invented the Lightscoop.
EXTRA ENTRIES (if it says 2 entries, make 2 posts)
** 2 entries--- Follow Lightscoop on Twitter
** 2 entries--Follow me on Twitter
** 1 entry--- Tweet the following:
#HolidayGiftLine~ #Win a Lightscoop Jr. or a Deluxe~ your choice~ for perfect photos~ US/CAN @ http://bit.ly/17YKn38 Ends November 30/13
You may tweet once daily for one entry.
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Giveaway ends Nov. 30/13 11:59 pm.
The winner will be selected by random.org and notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected.
Good Luck everyone!
I was provided a product in exchange for my review. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience. Your opinion may be different.
You can read more about my blog policies in my disclaimer at the top of the page.
Ken Kobré invented the Lightscoop.
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GFC:Eclairre Ken Kobré, Lightscoop inventor.
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